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Μη με διαβάζετε όσοι... |
Μή με διαβάζετε όταν δέν έχετε
παρακολουθήσει κηδείες αγνώστων
ή έστω μνημόσυνα.
Όταν δέν έχετε
μαντέψει τη δύναμη
που κάνει την αγάπη
εφάμιλη του θανάτου.
Μη με διαβάζετε όσοι... |
την Καθαρή Δευτέρα
χωρίς να τον βασανίζετε
τραβώντας ολοένα το σπάγγο.
Όταν δέν ξέρετε πότε μύριζε τα λουλούδια
ο Νοστράδαμος.
Όταν δέν πήγατε τουλάχιστον μιά φορά
στην Αποκαθήλωση.
Όταν δέν ξέρετε κανέναν υπερσυντέλικο.
Αν δέν αγαπάτε τα ζώα
και μάλιστα τις νυφίτσες.
Αν δέν ακούτε τους κεραυνούς ευχάριστα
Όταν δέν ξέρετε πως ο ωραίος Modigliani
Μη με διαβάζετε όσοι... |
χτυπούσε βίαια την πόρτα ενος φίλου του
γυρεύοντας τα ποιήματα του Βιγιόν
κι άρχισε να διαβάζει ώρες δυνατά
ενοχλώντας το σύμπαν.
Όταν λέτε τη φύση μητέρα μας
και όχι θεία μας.
Όταν δέν πίνετε χαρούμενα
το αθώο νεράκι.
Αν δέν καταλάβατε πως η Ανθούσα
είναι μάλλον η εποχή μας.
Μή με διαβάζετε
δέν ήρθατε σε ρήξη με το σώμα…
Ώρα να πηγαίνω.
Δέν έχω άλλο στήθος.
Νίκος Καρούζος
Τα ποιήματα, Α’ (1961-1978)
2 σχόλια:
Διαβάζοντας τον Καρούζο allow me a little tale. Πήγαινε συχνά τα μεσημέρια για φαγητό στο σπίτι μιας παλιάς μου συμμαθήτριας από το I.F.A , διότι ήταν πάμφτωχος. Θυμάμαι ακόμα που μου έλεγε τα ποιήματα που έγραφε για τις φακές, που της έκαναν εντύπωση, κι όμως, εκείνος ήταν τόσο ευγνώμων που τις είχε έστω κι αυτές. Μάθημα με πολλά νοήματα.
ο έρωτας είναι ένας ατέλειωτος θάνατος. Ίσως κι ο θάνατος ένας έρωτας ατέλειωτος να ειναι. Δε θα τον φοβόμασταν πια.
thoughts after reading Marcus Aurelius "Meditations"
Philosophize life as following: as a way to fully understand Death.
We must act as though we are meant to die every single minute. Making plans in life has the same meaning as making no plans at all; for we are unaware of when life will end, or how long it is meant to last, so every minute is final, and one more minute closer to death.
For this reason, of all acts, Philosoply is the noblest one. Stoicism is supposed to make you neither happier nor unhappier but help you maintain a steady step towards inner maturity, if such thing exists.
It is in vain that we seek after God, for Deity is inside us. We are the one and only God of our personal universe. What was, is and will be, no matter how short or long life we might live. For the present is nothing but a continuous past, or an infinite future.
If Deity existed, why would we keep desperately looking for it through the ages? Is't this a proof that there are no Gods, not even a single one of them? Because if God existed, then man is not to be held responsible for his own actions, since there is a superior power who ensures its well-being.
Passions and desires are blameful for a man who wishes to believe himself to be noble and superior. For there is joy and completion inside us. If we are blind to realize it, are we not too blind to see it elswhere?
Nature has its fashions and trends. There is symmetry and harnony in all of its ways, even in the most inexplicable ones. If we can see its wisely created charms, we can perhaps discover God. And if we can discover God in nature, then, as we ourselves form a part of nature, God lies inside us too. Never forget that every window is another view to the same image: if God exists in one thing, then it must too exist in others.
Emotions for a wise man are innumerous traps in which he must resist to be caught into. Anger is as useless as fear; and fear is as useless as passion; and passion is as useless as evil; and if evil is useless, so is good.
When meditating, Sadness is quite inevitable. Because there is so great an incompleteness around us, that a man can only be sad because he is a man, and not God. And the very same moment this same man is calm because his duty is to be a man, instead of a God. If man did his duty and God did his, we would have men acting like Gods and Gods acting like men. Since none of the two is able to exchange tasks, we as passing guests must accept facts and reality as a personal view to an eternal garden, Life, which is indifferent to whether we exist or not, whether die or not, whether reproduce or not, and whom we ought to respect as the only real and existing deity.
Saturday 26.01.2013
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